Whether it’s interest rates, little inventory to pick from, or just not the right time; knowing a move is in your family’s future can be a solid source of anxiety for many people. Timing the market isn’t exactly what you have in mind and maybe the hesitation is sourced from a sense of being unprepared. You’re right to listen to your ‘gut’ on this one, but there’s plenty you can do to start preparing.

Take an honest audit of your home’s value adds and what may need to be updated. Keep in mind the linkage between these two categories as you’re considering what you might need to prepare for with regard to getting the house ‘sell ready’. Consider the last time the roof was inspected or when a pest inspector came out last to provide a quote. Are there any subsystem concerns? Leaky faucets, slow toilets, gummy caulking inefficient appliances can often drag a sale price down disproportionately to their actual cost. If you’re unsure or just want a second opinion on what to focus on when doing this exercise, contact us! We’re always happy to help.

DIY? Or Go with a Pro?

A lot of things you may be able to take care of your self. A weekend warrior project and a trip to the hardware store can do a lot when it comes to aesthetics. You may be coming to terms with the fact that some of the important spaces in your home (kitchen and bathrooms) are looking outdated. It may be time to reach out to a professional. There’s a ton of options in North County when it comes to contractors. If you’ve been a homeowner for awhile, you may even have a couple handyman services on speed dial. Sometimes that’s still not enough, though. You’ll want to interview licensed contractors to perform the work. Using a licensed contractor becomes an additional benefit to disclose to buyers and keeps you out the snares of a complaint from a buyer long after escrow closes.

Selecting the right residential home contractor is crucial to the success of your construction or renovation project. Here are some tips to help you choose a reliable and reputable contractor:

  1. Define Your Project: Clearly define your project’s scope, budget, and timeline before seeking a contractor. Having a well-defined plan will make it easier to communicate your expectations and get accurate estimates.
  2. Check Credentials: Verify that the contractor is licensed, bonded, and insured. In the United States, you can typically check their license with your state’s licensing board.
  3. Request References: Ask the contractor for references from past clients. Contact these references and ask about their experience working with the contractor, including the quality of work and adherence to schedules and budgets.
  4. Interview Multiple Contractors: Don’t settle for the first contractor you come across. Interview at least three contractors to compare their qualifications, pricing, and communication style.
  5. Visit Completed Projects: If possible, visit completed projects by the contractor. This will give you a firsthand look at their workmanship and attention to detail.
  6. Request Detailed Bids: Ask each contractor for a detailed written bid that includes a breakdown of costs, materials, labor, and a timeline. Avoid contractors who provide vague estimates.
  7. Check for Permits and Regulations: Ensure the contractor is aware of and will obtain any necessary permits and adhere to local building codes and regulations.
  8. Communication Skills: Evaluate the contractor’s communication skills. Effective communication is essential for a successful project. Ensure you can easily reach them and that they respond promptly to inquiries.
  9. Contracts and Documentation: Review the contract thoroughly before signing. It should include all project details, payment schedule, warranties, and dispute resolution procedures. If something is unclear, ask for clarification.
  10. Payment Terms: Be cautious of contractors who ask for a significant upfront payment. A typical payment schedule might involve an initial deposit followed by progress payments as work is completed.
  11. Warranty and Guarantee: Inquire about the warranty and guarantee on their work. A reputable contractor should stand behind their work and offer a warranty.
  12. Subcontractors and Crew: Ask about the contractor’s crew and any subcontractors involved in the project. Ensure they are qualified and experienced.
  13. Timeline and Schedule: Discuss the project timeline and schedule in detail. A realistic timeline is important to avoid delays.
  14. Change Orders: Understand the process for change orders. If you want to make changes to the project after it has started, there should be a clear process in place.
  15. Payment Methods: Discuss payment methods and keep a paper trail of all payments made. Avoid paying in cash and request receipts for all transactions.
  16. Trust Your Instincts: Trust your gut feeling about the contractor. If something doesn’t seem right or you feel uncomfortable, it may be best to continue your search.

Remember that selecting a contractor is a significant decision, and taking the time to research and choose the right one is essential for the success of your residential project. Don’t rush the process, and make sure you are comfortable and confident in your choice before starting the work. We have an awesome network of licensed contractors to help you get started with the interview process. Let us help you get your home ‘sell ready’!